The Shadow delves into Carl Jung's idea of hidden aspects within ourselves. It's about exploring the parts of our personality we often hide or suppress. By engaging with this hidden side, we can uncover and integrate these aspects, leading to greater self-awareness and growth. #Midjourney #Runway #PremierePro
Invitation To The Devil
Shadow is an installation inspired by Carl Jung's theory that we all harbor a repressed or suppressed side. This immersive experience beckons you to engage with your shadow, to summon the darkness within and invite the unknown. It seeks to lead you on a journey of self-discovery, confronting the hidden facets of your being, ultimately guiding you towards a fuller, more profound understanding of yourself.
Carl Jung's theory of the shadow refers to the parts of ourselves that we ignore or suppress. These can be feelings, desires, or traits that we see as negative or unacceptable. Jung believed that by acknowledging and accepting these hidden aspects, we can become more self-aware and balanced. Integrating the shadow involves facing uncomfortable truths about ourselves and embracing our hidden potential for growth and creativity. Overall, it's about becoming more authentic and whole as individuals.
Shadow: The Repressed
Music Credit: Semo - In the Shadow of Doubt
We invite you to immerse yourself in “Shadow”, where you experience, explore, confront, and grow into your most authentic self…
Sometimes it burns the palm of your hand…sometimes it chills to the bones…
Step into the chamber of Shadow.
Where there’s shadow, there are sparks of light… so don’t be afraid…
“Self”, “Shadow”, and “Ego”…